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Complaints Policy


  1. Scope of this policy

This document sets out our policy for dealing with complaints received from current and former students of ZD Academy. It also explains how to file a complaint and how we investigate legitimate complaints.

Our policy is to take legitimate complaints seriously and deal with them transparently according to the procedures set out herein.


  1. What is a complaint?

A complaint is any expression of dissatisfaction about the product/services offered by ZD Academy or its staff or the action or lack of action taken regarding operations, facilities or services provided by ZD Academy or by a person or body acting on behalf of ZD Academy.

We encourage you to communicate any complaints to us in writing using the Complaints Form, so that we can consider the matter properly and so evidence of your complaint is clearly recorded.

It may be the case that we receive correspondence that in our view does not fall under our definition of a complaint or does not raise any issue that calls for in depth investigation. This may apply, for instance, to:

  • objections to certain steps, recommendations or decisions we have taken in compliance with a legal requirement;
  • malicious, repetitive or vexatious claims or repeated submissions of a complaint to which a response has already been provided.

We will not reply to rude or abusive emails, calls or letters. In all other cases we will give brief reasons for our views but having done so once will not normally engage in further correspondence on the merits of the position we have taken.

  1. How to file a complaint

As mentioned above, complaints should be made in writing using the Complaint Form included overleaf.

Completed Complaint Forms should be sent via email to or sent by mail to:

ZD Academy

230, 230 Second Floor

Triq Il-Kungress Ewkaristiku

Mosta MST 9039



  1. How we investigate complaints

Once a completed Complaint Form is received, we shall seek to acknowledge receipt thereof by email within ten (10) calendar days. Of course, there may be instances when our confirmation of receipt may be delayed owing to matters beyond our control.

Once a Complaint Form is submitted we may correspond with you by email, phone or request a face to face meeting. It is therefore important that the Complaint Form contains accurate and up to date contact information.

Our complaints handling team shall investigate your complaint and may contact you in order to request further information or clarification on the information contained in the Complaint Form. It is important that this is supplied in a timely manner to assist us in investigating your complaint thoroughly and to facilitate arriving at an amicable solution and/or providing you with the remedial action sought as soon as possible.


  1. How we process personal data contained in the Complaint Form

ZD Academy respects your privacy and shall ensure that your personal data is processed lawfully in full compliance with applicable data protection legislation.

In order to effectively investigate your complaint, you hereby authorize us to share your information with any of our employees, advisors, consultants, directors, associates, service providers and any of our group companies. Furthermore, we may need to share your personal data with external regulatory bodies or ACCA, and such recipients may not be in the European Union and thus subject to the GDPR.

For full details as to how we process your personal data and your rights as a data subject, kindly refer to our Privacy Policy, which may be viewed on our website.


  1. When can I expect a decision on my complaint?

We shall strive to provide you with a final reply setting out our findings, the reasons therefor and details of any remedial action that we propose to remedy your complaint within ninety (90) calendar days from receipt of a completed Complaint Form. We would typically communicate this information by email, but we may also send you a reply by postal mail to the contact address you supplied to us.


  1. Right to appeal our decision

Once we have concluded an investigation into your complaint, and communicated our findings to you, there is no right to appeal. Of course, it should be noted that our complaints handling process shall not prevent students from seeking other legal remedies.


  1. What can I do if I am not satisfied with how my complaint has been dealt with?

If you are not happy with how we have dealt with your complaint or our decision, you may escalate the matter to ACCA Connect:


ACCA Connect Contact Information

ACCA Connect
110 Queen Street
Glasgow G1 3BX
United Kingdom
T: +44 (0)141 582 2000


If after escalating the matter to the ACCA you still feel unhappy with the way your complaint has been dealt with, you may escalate the matter to the appropriate regulator, details of which can be found on the ACCA website at the following link:


  1. Further Information

If you have any questions or require any further information, kindly contact the ZD Academy Manager on

Social Media Policy


ZD Academy recognizes that technology provides unique opportunities to build student engagement, listen, learn and engage with students, stakeholders and employees through the use of a wide variety of Social Media. However, how we use social media and what we say also has the potential to affect ZD Academy’s reputation and/or expose the Academy (and each of us) to business or legal risk.

Whilst we recognize the benefits which may be gained from appropriate use of social media, it is also important to be aware that it poses significant risks to student engagement. These risks include disclosure of confidential information and intellectual property, damage to our reputation and the risk of legal claims.

Therefore, every student and employee has a personal responsibility to be familiar with and comply with ZD Academy’s overall Social Media Policy. This policy is designed to reflect our purpose, values and principles, student engagement conduct manual, and legal requirements. Because we use social media in a variety of ways, there are more specific expectations that may apply to your activities.

  1. SCOPE

This policy covers all forms of social media, including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+ Wikipedia, other social networking sites, and other internet postings, including blogs. It applies to the use of social media for both business, student and personal purposes, during working hours and in your own time to the extent that it may affect the business of the Academy. The policy applies both when the social media is accessed using our information systems and also when access using equipment or software belonging to employees or others.

It also covers all employees and also others including consultants, contractors, and casual and agency staff. Breach of this policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. Any misuse of social media should be reported to Mr. David O’ Shaughnessy via email on

Questions regarding the content or application of this policy should be directed to


Although many users may consider their personal comments posted on social media or discussions on social networking sites to be private, these communications are frequently available to a larger audience than the author may realize.

As a result, any online communication that directly or indirectly refers to ZD Academy, our products and services, team members or other work-related issues, has the potential to damage ZD Academy’s reputation or interests.

When participating in social media in a personal capacity, student’s must:

  • Not disclose private confidential information, proprietary or sensitive information. Information is considered confidential when it is not readily available to the public. The majority of information used throughout ZD Academy is confidential. If you are in doubt about whether information is confidential, refer to the ZD Academy Student code of conduct.
  • Not use the ZD Academy logo or company branding on any social media platform without prior approval from;
  • Not communicate anything that might damage ZD Academy’s reputation, brand image, commercial interests, or the confidence of our students and or general public.
  • Not represent or communicate on behalf of ZD Academy in the public domain without prior approval from Mr. David O’ Shaughnessy
  • Not post any material that would directly or indirectly defame, harass, discriminate against or bully any ZD Academy student member, employee supplier or potential student.
  • Ensure, when identifying themselves (or when they may be identified) as a ZD Academy team member, that their social media communications are lawful and Comply with ZD Academy’s policies and procedures

Students and or Employee must not use social media in a way that might breach any of our policies, any express or implied contractual obligations, legislation, or regulatory requirements. In particular, use of social media must comply with:

  • The Anti-Bullying and Sexual Harassment Policies
  • Rules of relevant regulatory bodies
  • Contractual confidentiality requirements
  • Other key policies/requirements

When they use social media, students and or employee’s must

  • Disclose their affiliation: If you discuss study work related matters that are within your area of expertise or provide information related to the Academy’s products you must clearly and conspicuously disclose your affiliation with the Academy.
  • State that it’s THEIR opinion: Unless authorized to speak or conduct research on behalf of the Academy, when commenting on the Academy include a disclaimer that the opinions provided do not represent the views of the Academy .To help reduce the potential for confusion, you must include the following notice in a reasonably prominent place on your site, or if posting on the site of another, you must include it within your post: “The views expressed on this website/weblog are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer.”
  • Act responsibly and ethically: When participating in online communities related to the Academy’s business, do not misrepresent yourself. It is never acceptable to use aliases or otherwise deceive people.
  • Be professional and exercise good judgment: When you identify yourself as an employee or student of the Academy within a social network, you are connected to other student’s, employees, clients, and potential clients. Communicate online with respect for others. Remember that information shared via social media is generally public information that could easily be viewed by our students, regulators employees, clients and suppliers. Exercise caution with regard to exaggeration, colorful language, guesswork, obscenity, copyrighted materials, legal conclusions, and derogatory remarks or characterizations in any way related to ZD Academy, its products, services, students, regulators clients, suppliers and employees.

When they use social media, students and employee’s must not:

  • Make disparaging or defamatory statements about us, our students employees, regulators, clients, customers, or suppliers;
  • Harass, bully or unlawfully discriminate in any way;
  • Use data obtained in the course of your employment with us in any way which breaches the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998;
  • Breach copyright belonging to us;
  • Disclose any intellectual property, confidential or commercially sensitive information relating to student engagement;
  • Make statements which cause, or may cause, harm to our reputation or otherwise be prejudicial to our interests.
  1. Students and or Employee’s should avoid using social media communications that might be misconstrued in a way that could damage student engagement reputation.
  2. Students and or Employee’s should make it clear in personal postings that he or she are speaking on their own behalf, in particular write in the first person and use a personal e-mail address. If you disclose that you are a student or an employee of us, you must state that your views do not represent those of the Academy or your employer. For example, you could state, “the views in this posting do not represent the views of my employer”.

Remember that you are personally responsible for what you communicate in social media. Often materials published will be widely accessible by the public and will remain accessible for a long time. If you are uncertain or concerned about the appropriateness of any statement or posting, you should discuss it with the Academy Manager before making the post.


Examples of potential breaches of this policy include but are not limited to:

  • Posting information to an online discussion forum about upcoming ZD Academy promotions or future courses;
  • Posting a comment on the ZD Academy Facebook/LinkedIn page in response to a customer comment or complaint about our Academy or services;
  • Uploading video footage to YouTube showing anything that could damage ZD-Academy’s reputation;
  • Making derogatory comments about ZD Academy’s students, employees, customers or suppliers;
  • Posting obscene images or offensive comments to Facebook/LinkedIn about a fellow student work colleague where this could constitute bullying, discrimination or harassment.

Students and employees are responsible for adhering to the aforementioned social media guidelines. Failure to comply with the guidelines in this policy or on-line activity that otherwise cause harm to the company may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal, as Permitted by Maltese Law.

Anti Harassment Policy


The Academy is committed to providing a studying environment free of discrimination and/or harassment. We prohibit discrimination/harassment in the Academy, whether committed by or against students, tutors, managers, colleagues, customers, suppliers or visitors. We want our students to work and grow in a healthy, respectful and productive environment.

Discrimination or harassment in the Academy based on race, colour, religion, sex, national origin, citizenship, age, sexual orientation, disability, marital status or any other basis prohibited by law, will not be tolerated. The Academy prohibits inappropriate conduct based on any of the above characteristics at work, in the Academy’s business or at events sponsored by the Academy.

  1. SCOPE

This policy applies to all current students & employees of [ZD-ACADEMY], including full-time and part-time, contractual, permanent and temporary students and or employees and applies to job applicants and all persons interacting with students at ZD-Academy.

This policy applies to all behaviour related in any way to work, including off-site meetings, training and business trips, placements and internships.


Harassment / Discrimination

Harassment / discrimination is unwanted, unreasonable and offensive behaviour towards the person being harassed, which creates an intimidating, hostile or humiliating environment for the person concerned.

There are different types of harassment that can occur, it can be based on:

  • Race, ethnic origin, nationality or skin colour
  • Gender identity and/or sexual orientation
  • Religious or political convictions
  • Membership or no-membership of a trade union
  • Disabilities, illness, sensory impairments or learning difficulties
  • Age
  • Pregnancy/maternity/paternity


This list is not exhaustive

Harassment is:

  • Offending or humiliating someone physically or verbally.
  • Threatening or intimidating someone.
  • Making unwelcome jokes or comments about someone’s race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, disability or pardoned conviction.

Harassment can occur between people of the same sex or opposite sex.

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment has been defined as unwanted and unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favours, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that:

  • Is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of being a student
  • Issued as a basis for studying decisions affecting such an individual.
  • Has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual’s performance and of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive study or work environment.

The Academy prohibits inappropriate conduct that is sexual in nature of work, on Academy business, or at Academy-sponsored events including the following:

  • Offensive or humiliating behaviour that is related to a person’s sex.
  • Behaviour of a sexual nature that creates an intimidating, unwelcome, hostile or offensive study environment.
  • Behaviour of a sexual nature that could reasonably be thought to put sexual conditions on a person’s job or employment opportunities.
  • Comments, jokes, or degrading language.
  • Sexually suggestive objects, books, magazines, photography, cartoons, pictures, calendars, posters, electronic communications, or other materials.
  • Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favours, or any sexual touching.
  • Offering favourable terms or conditions of employment or benefits in exchange for sexual favours or threatening or imposing less-favourable terms or conditions of employment if sexual favours are refused.

Sexual harassment is prohibited whether it’s between member of the opposite sex or members of the same sex.


All Tutors managers and staff have a responsibility to maintain an Academy free of discrimination and personal harassment. Managers are directly responsible for the conduct of their staff and the smooth running of their department.

Also, [ZD-ACADEMY] expects all employees to comply with this policy and all employees to conduct themselves appropriately.

Management is responsible for:

  • Promoting a harassment-free Academy and setting an example of appropriate behaviour in the Academy.
  • Communicating the process for investigating and resolving harassment complaints filed by students and or employees.
  • Dealing with harassment situations immediately after becoming aware of them, whether a harassment complaint has been made.
  • Taking appropriate action during a harassment investigation, including the separation of the parties to the harassment complaint, if necessary; and
  • Ensuring that harassment situations are handled in a sensitive and confidential manner.

Students are responsible for:

  • Treating others with respect in the Academy.
  • Informing the Academy Manager of any harassment.
  • Collaborating in a harassment investigation and respecting the confidentiality of the investigation process.

Students can expect:

  • To be treated with absolute respect in the Academy.
  • That reported harassment will be dealt with in a timely, confidential and effective manner.
  • To have their rights to a fair process and to confidentiality respected during a harassment investigation; and
  • To be protected against retaliation for reporting harassment or cooperating with a harassment investigation.

Creating an Academy free of discrimination and harassment is everyone’s responsibility. If you observe or believe that you are a victim of discrimination, sexual harassment or any other form of harassment at work, during the Academy’s business or any other activity sponsored by the Academy, you must immediately report it to one of the following:

  • Your Tutor or another manager in your management chain
  • The Academy Manager

A student may file a harassment complaint by contacting his/her Tutor or the Academy Manager. The complaint may be verbal or in writing. If the complaint is made verbally, the Academy Manager will record the details provided by the student. The student should be prepared to provide details such as what happened; when it happened; where it happened; how often and who else was present (if applicable).

Complaints should be made as soon as possible but no later than within one year of the last incident of perceived harassment, unless there are circumstances that prevented the student from doing so.


Any claims of discrimination or harassment will be investigated promptly and discreetly. All complaints are treated with sensitivity and are kept confidential as possible. We will never disclose who made a complaint to anyone or give out information that may help others identify that person (e.g., which department or role they work in.) An appropriate disciplinary action will be taken to eliminate inappropriate behaviour.

In addition, you are not required to report your complaint to the person who is the subject of the complaint. For example, if your complaint concerns your tutor, you can talk to someone in Human Resources. However, if someone at work, in the course of the Academy’s business or in a Academy-sponsored function engages in conduct that makes you feel uncomfortable, we encourage you to tell them that the conduct is unwelcome, that you find it offensive and that you ask that it stop immediately.

The Academy Manager will promptly investigate complaints. You must cooperate fully in such investigations. If warranted, the Academy will take appropriate corrective action, up to and including dismissal.

The Academy prohibits any form of reprisal against a plaintiff for reporting discrimination or harassment or for participating in an investigation of a complaint of discrimination or harassment. If you believe you have been subject to reprisal, you can use any of the resources described above to report your concern.

Anti Bullying Policy


[ZD-ACADEMY] is committed to creating and maintaining an Academy and study environment which fosters mutual respect, integrity and professional conduct. In keeping with this commitment, ZD-ACADEMY has established this policy and a set of reporting/investigation procedures for all student s and or Students relating to the issue of Academy bullying. [ZD-ACADEMY] will not tolerate bullying or harassment in the Academy and will make every reasonable effort to prevent and eliminate conduct which falls within the scope of this policy.

  1. SCOPE

All students, Students, directors and officers of ZD-ACADEMY are covered by this policy. This policy applies to all activities which take place on the Academies premises (including interpersonal and electronic communications) or which are directly related to the Academy and during any job-related task or activity, including conferences, training sessions, travel and social functions.


Bullying is characterized by aggressive, intimidating, malicious or insulting behaviour or abusive behaviour or abuse of power through means intended to undermine, humiliate, denigrate or hurt the person to whom it is directed.

Bullying does not always result from supervisor/subordinate relationships or vice versa; unacceptable peer pressure can also constitute bullying.

Examples of conduct or comments which might constitute bullying include:

  • Demonstrations of rage against a colleague in public and/or private
  • Personal insults and name calling
  • Shouting, yelling
  • Targeting an individual through persistent, unwarranted criticism
  • Verbal, written or physical threats and intimidation
  • Unfair criticism and persistent public humiliation
  • Setting targets with deadlines that cannot be met
  • Removing areas of responsibility and impose subordinate tasks instead
  • Ignoring or excluding a person, or speak only to a third party to isolate another person
  • Vandalizing personal belongings
  • Spreading malicious rumours, gossip or negative innuendo
  • Insulting someone or derogatory remarks, gestures or actions
  • Copying critical memos about someone to others who do not need to know
  • Ridiculing or belittling someone
  • Exclusion
  • Victimization
  • Unfair treatment
  • Overbearing surveillance
  • Unwelcome sexual advances
  • Touching or standing too close
  • Postings of offensive material
  • Making threats or comments about job security without foundation
  • Deliberately undermine a competent worker by constantly neglecting and criticizing him/her
  • Preventing people from progressing by intentionally blocking promotion or training opportunities.

Bullying can take other forms. For example, what may emerge as a concern initially categorised as ‘harassment’, ‘intimidation’ or ‘aggressive management’ may, upon investigation, be a case of bullying.

Bullying or harassment would not include:

  • Normal exercise of supervisory responsibilities, including performance reviews, direction, counseling and disciplinary action where necessary, provided they are conducted in a respectful, professional manner, in accordance with the Company’s policies and procedures.
  • Social interactions, jokes and bantering, which are mutually acceptable, provided the interactions are respectful and there is no negative impact for others in the work environment; and
  • Disagreements, misunderstandings, miscommunication and/or conflict situations, provided the behavior of the individuals involved remains professional and respectful.

A person who is bullied may suffer from physical and/or emotional symptoms, such as sleep disorders, nausea, sweating, tremors, depression, and loss of confidence and motivation.

In addition, they may suffer other consequences, such as the loss of training and development opportunities, and missed promotion opportunities.


Each student and employee of [ZD-ACADEMY] is expected to support the implementation of this policy by:

  • Behaving in a manner that reflects professional conduct, mutual respect for others and respect for diversity in the Academy.
  • Not intimidating or harassing others.
  • Participating fully and in good faith in any resolution process or formal complaint and investigation process when it has been determined that they are able to provide relevant information.
  • Reporting any bullying or harassment they experience or observe in the Academy that may contravene this policy; and
  • Respecting the rights to personal dignity, privacy and confidentiality relating to this policy.

While each employee has a responsibility to maintain and contribute to the preservation of an environment that is free from intimidation, those in positions of authority over Students have more responsibilities than other Students in the Academies organization.

Managers have an additional obligation to make every reasonable effort to establish and maintain a Academy free of intimidation or harassment. For the purposes of this policy, their responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Ensuring that Students have full access to information about employer policies and standards.
  • Respecting the right of all parties to a fair, equitable and confidential process for responding to complaints.
  • Providing support to all those involved in a problem-solving process; and
  • The application of corrective and/or disciplinary measures, if any.

If you observe or believe you are being bullied or subjected to any other form of harassment in the Academy, during the company’s business or any other activity sponsored by the company, here are the first things you can do:

  1. Students are encouraged to make it clear to the person who is bullying them that their behaviour is undesirable and that it must be stopped.
  2. If the behaviour persists, keep records of incidents of behaviour, which you consider to be harassment or bullying, noting the date and time of the incident and details of any witnesses. Such records can be helpful in describing the problem and may also be used if any formal action is subsequently taken.
  3. Should the behaviour continue, Students should approach the Academy manager or, if appropriate (eg. if that person is the one causing the concerns), another senior manager or even the HR department.
  4. Make your bullying complaint by contacting the Academy manager either in person or online at; complaint may be verbal or in writing. If the complaint is made verbally, the manager will record the details provided by the student.
  5. A manager handling the complaint of bullying is likely, in the first instance, to discuss the complaint informally with the alleged offender. This should take place without delay after the complaint has been made. If the matter is not resolved informally, the manager will initiate an investigation.
  6. Following an investigation, the decision of the manager will be confirmed in writing to the complainant and the person against whom the allegation has been made.
  7. If the manager concludes that bullying has taken place, procedures set out in the company’s disciplinary procedure will be initiated.

Complaints should be made as soon as possible but no later than within one year of the last incident of perceived harassment, unless there are circumstances that prevented the employee from doing so.


Any claims of bullying will be investigated promptly and discreetly. All complaints are treated with sensitivity and are kept confidential as possible. If you witness a bullying situation and make a complaint about it, we will never disclose who made a complaint to anyone or give out information that may help others identify that person (e.g., which department or role they work in.) An appropriate disciplinary action will be taken to eliminate inappropriate behaviour.

In addition, you are not required to report your complaint to the person who is the subject of the complaint. For example, if your complaint concerns your tutor, you can talk to the Academy Manager. However, if someone at the Academy, during the Academies business or in a company-sponsored function engages in conduct that makes you feel uncomfortable, we encourage you to tell them that the conduct is unwelcome, that you find it offensive and that you ask that it stop immediately.

The Academy management will promptly investigate complaints. You must cooperate fully in such investigations. If warranted, ZD-ACADEMY will take appropriate corrective action, up to and including dismissal of the student and or termination of the employee.

ZD-ACADEMY will not tolerate intimidation, victimisation, retaliation or discrimination against an individual for filing a complaint or assisting in an investigation, whether the complaint is upheld. Where such action is alleged, the matter will be dealt with in the same way as an allegation of harassment or bullying.

If you believe you have been subject to reprisal, you can use any of the resources described above to report your concern.


Students who feel they have been bullied or who have been the subject of allegations will be given access to support, e.g., counselling, if this is appropriate.

If, after an investigation (which may include medical enquiries), a period of absence is attributed to proven bullying at the Academy, no absence shall be recorded against the student’s attendance.

Student Absence Policy

This policy is designed to impress upon you, our student the importance of attending class on time and of the need to let your tutor know when you are unable to make it to class and for what reason.    

Your timely attendance to class is crucial in helping the class to run smoothly so that your learning goals and objectives are achieved, and fellow students are not disrupted.  You need to do your part in achieving this goal, and one way of doing this is to maintain a good attendance record. Kindly note, that excessive absence or tardiness will not be tolerated at ZD-Academy.

Punctuality requirements

ZD-Academy Students are expected to their attend class on time. Tardiness is defined as joining your class at least 15 minutes past your scheduled starting time. Should you be running late you should notify your tutor that you may be late for class. Being tardy for class or leaving class early or not turning up for class will be considered cause for corrective action. Your tutor has full oversight in this case and may refuse entry to a student who is 15 minutes late for class.

Counting absences

Here are the rules for how absences will be counted:

  • An unscheduled absence for at least one-half the class will be counted as one occurrence.
  • An absence for one or more consecutive classes will be considered one occurrence. For example, if you’re out two consecutive days, that will count as one occurrence.
  • If a student returns from an absence (due to an illness) and goes out again due to the same illness after being at class for no more than one day, then the absence will be counted as one occurrence.

Repeated occurrences will result in verbal counseling, written counseling, and/or suspension or dismissal.


If you are unable to come to class, be sure to call in beforehand either by email or phone and let the appropriate person know, in advance where possible, but no later than your regular starting time.

Students may be granted excused absences for sickness/illness when the appropriate person is notified prior to the start of class. Pre-scheduled medical/professional appointments (lawyers, clergy, counselors, etc.) or other compelling reasons, with prior supervisory approval, may also be considered as excused absences. Absence of three or more consecutive scheduled days due to illness will require a medical certificate from a Maltese General Practitioner confirming same.

Authorized absence documentation

We may require documentation of authorized reasons for absence, such as sick leave or jury duty, and may also verify the documentation where appropriate.

Inclement weather

The Academy must continue to operate during periods of bad weather. Thus, the need for students to be in class during such emergencies is of paramount importance. You are expected to make every effort to report for class whether it be online, face to face or blended. If you do not report for class when scheduled during a weather emergency, you will be considered absent.


Disability Policy


[ZD-ACADEMY]] is committed to ensuring equal access and participation for people with disabilities. We are committed to treating people with disabilities in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence.

We believe in inclusion, and we are committed to meeting the needs of individuals with disabilities in a timely manner. We will do so by removing and preventing barriers to accessibility and by meeting our accessibility requirements under Malta’s accessibility laws.

This policy demonstrates the commitment that has made to fostering and supporting a diverse student cohort and supporting team and to integrating equal opportunity for people with disabilities into [ZD-ACADEMY] policies, procedures, decisions and operations. [ZD-ACADEMY] is committed to supporting a culture that values the promotion of a positive and safe environment for all its students and an environment that reflects the company’s organizational values, in accordance with the principles of understanding, acceptance and inclusion.


This policy covers all students and staff. This also covers employees who become disabled during their employment. Where relevant it also covers students employed by outside agencies working in [ZD-ACADEMY]’s premises.


This policy covers all areas of a student’s learning journey at ZD Academy.

All reasonable and necessary changes will be investigated, and any justified changes will be made to the learning environment and to employment arrangements so that disabled people are not at any substantial disadvantage compared to non-disabled people.

In recruitment and selection, [ZD-ACADEMY] will where appropriate, and make any other reasonable changes to ensure that disabled people can be considered equally with non-disabled candidates.

[ZD-ACADEMY] will ensure that disabled people will receive equal treatment in training and development, and, where appropriate, will supply additional training.

A flexible approach will be adopted and, where possible and justified, consideration to reallocation of duties, time off for rehabilitation, assessment or treatment or other appropriate measures to ensure equal opportunity.

Every endeavor will be made to ensure that students are not discriminated against because of their disability and will ensure that other agencies that may be used are aware of this policy.


Students will have access to the services provided by disability services and, where applicable, may use any specialized equipment provided for the Academy Employees may also bring and use their own specialized equipment, with the approval of the Academy Manager.

In addition, the organization is committed to following the political direction as outlined below:

  • [ZD-ACADEMY] is committed to supporting all students and or students and recognizes that students and or students with disabilities, or those who may be developing a disability, may require additional support to enable them to remain in the Academy and or workplace.
  • As an employer of choice, and as good practice, [ZD-ACADEMY] will also consider making reasonable adjustments for any students that may not be deemed as having a disability as defined by the
  • [ZD-ACADEMY] has made a commitment to not only abide by the essential actions, but wherever operationally possible, to go beyond any statutory legal requirement to support students who develop a disability to stay in the workplace.
  • This policy is designed to support students with existing disabilities, students who may be developing a disability, as well as the recruitment of students with disabilities. The policy should also encourage all students to work within the principles and spirit of this policy, regardless of whether they are disabled.
  • Disability is a protected characteristic in law, this allows the employer to treat students more favorably than their non-disabled colleagues, however, not to the detriment of students with other protected characteristics as covered by the Education Act Cap 605 and 307
  • This policy is based on best practice and recognizes the need to protect against discrimination due to disability as defined in the Equal Opportunities (Persons with Disabilities) Act Cap. 413 of the Laws of Malta as well as the UN Convention on the Rights of persons with Disabilities, Article 27.
  • This policy will be jointly reviewed regularly by ZD-Academy, Students and the to ensure compliance with current legislation and best practice under guidance from the CRPD.


  • People with disabilities may choose to use their own personal assistive devices, while performing their studies. [ZD-ACADEMY] acknowledges the importance of these devices and will allow people with disabilities to use their own personal assistive devices to perform their work, unless there is a defined risk associated with that use.
  • In cases where the assistive device presents a safety concern or where accessibility might be an issue, [ZD-ACADEMY] will assess service delivery and potential service options to meet the needs of the individual.


  • [ZD-ACADEMY] recognizes the vital relationship and dependency which exists between a person with a disability and their service animal, guide dog, and/or service dog. Guide dogs or other service animals shall be permitted entry to all [ZD-ACADEMY] facilities that are open to the students.
  • If a guide dog or other service animal disturbs other students’ members or clients, the person and the accompanying animal may be required to leave the zone or premises.
  • [ZD-ACADEMY] anticipates that there will be special situations and is prepared to make every effort to adapt to the circumstances on an individual basis as they arise, thereby ensuring the safety of all students, customers, visitors and animals.
  • In cases where the animal is excluded from the premises by law, other provisions may be made, such as: another appointment format, i.e., a teleconference when technology permits; another time or place; another accommodation; other assistance measures available to ensure equality of outcome.
  • A student with a disability who is accompanied by a guide or service dog will have access to food service areas open to the public, unless otherwise provided by law. Guide and service dogs are allowed to go to places where food is served, sold or offered for sale. Service animals are not allowed to enter areas where food is prepared. Other types of service animals are not permitted in food service areas.
  • The students/client is responsible for the care, supervision and control of their guide dog or service animal while on site

This policy and its related procedures will be reviewed as required in the event of legislative changes or, changes to ZD-Academies procedure.

Diversity Policy


Diversity at ZD-ACADEMY is expressed through management’s commitment to equality and the treatment of all individuals with respect.

ZD-ACADEMY is committed to developing a rich culture, a diverse student cohort and a healthy work environment in which every student and employee is treated fairly, is respected and can contribute to the success of the Academy, while having the opportunity to achieve their full potential as individuals.

Diversity at ZD-ACADEMY refers to all the characteristics that make individuals different from each other. It includes characteristics or factors such as religion, race, ethnic origin, language, gender, sexual orientation, disability, age or any other potential factor of difference.

ZD-ACADEMY understands that the wide range of experiences and perspectives resulting from such diversity promotes innovation and business success. Diversity management makes us creative, productive, responsive, competitive and creates value for our shareholders.

  1. SCOPE

This policy applies to all current students and employees of ZD-ACADEMY, including full-time and part-time, contractual, permanent and temporary students and employees and applies to job applicants.


We are opposed to all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination. All employees, no matter whether they are part-time, full-time or temporary, will be treated fairly and with respect. When ZD-ACADEMY selects candidates for employment, promotion, training or any other benefit, it will be based on their aptitude and ability.

We are opposed to any form of illegal and unfair discrimination. All employees, whether part-time, full-time or temporary, will be treated fairly and with respect.

When ZD-ACADEMY will select candidates for employment, promotion, training or any other benefit, it will be based on their skills, abilities and merit.

ZD-ACADEMY is committed to:

  • Create an environment in which the individual differences and contributions of all team members are recognized and valued.
  • Create a learning environment that promotes dignity and respect for every individual.
  • Attract and retain a skilled and diverse workforce that best represents the talent available in the communities in which our assets are located and our employees reside
  • Ensure appropriate selection criteria based on diverse skills, experience and perspectives is used when hiring new staff, including Board members. Job specifications, advertisements, application forms and contracts will not contain any direct or inferred discrimination.
  • Ensure that applicants and employees of all backgrounds are encouraged to apply for and have fair opportunity to be considered for all available roles.
  • Provide, to the greatest extent possible, universal access to safe, inclusive and accessible premises that allow everyone to participate and work to their full potential.
  • Comply with equal opportunity and anti-discrimination legislation
  • Not tolerate any form of intimidation, bullying, victimisation, vilification or harassment and to take disciplinary action against those who violate this policy.
  • Provide training, development and advancement opportunities for all staff based on merit.
  • Endeavour that each gender represents the management team.
  • Encourage anyone who feels they have been discriminated, to express their concerns so that we can take corrective action.
  • Encourage students & employees to treat everyone with dignity and respect.
  • Regularly review all our employment practices and procedures so that fairness is always maintained.
  • Ensure to the greatest extent possible that all panels that ZD-ACADEMY organizes or participates on include representation of each gender.
  • Set measurable objectives for gender diversity which will be monitored and reviewed against the effectiveness of this policy and associated procedures.
  • Monitor and report annually on diversity and inclusion performance commitments.

ZD-ACADEMY will inform all students & employees that an equality and diversity policy is in operation and that they are obligated to comply with its requirements and promote fairness in the workplace.

ZD ACADEMY’s equality and diversity policy is fully supported by senior management and its Board of Directors. Our policy will be monitored and reviewed annually to ensure equality and diversity are continually promoted in the workplace.

  • All students of ZD-ACADEMY have a responsibility to always treat others with dignity and respect.
  • All students are expected to exhibit conduct that reflects inclusion during work, at work functions on or off the work site, and at all other Academy-sponsored and participative events.
  • All students are also required to attend and complete annual diversity awareness training to enhance their knowledge to fulfill this responsibility.
  • Managers are responsible for understanding their role in promoting diversity, communicating and implementing policies and procedures effectively and working with students and staff to integrate the values of diversity into the Academies practices.=
  • Build a workforce that is provided with opportunities to develop skill and experience for career advancement, learning and development.
  • Executive management will lead and approve policy review, revision as appropriate and monitoring of data collected.
  • All directors, officers and employees are responsible for complying with the Academy’s diversity policy and for reporting violations or alleged violations in accordance with that policy.
  • Managers and staff will receive the resources, training and support necessary to implement this policy.
  • This policy will be reviewed on an ongoing basis to reflect changing legislation, demographics and organizational priorities.
  • Any breach of this diversity policy must be reported directly to the management team. Anyone who contravenes this diversity policy may be subject to disciplinary action, including dismissal.

Plagiarism & Academic Integrity Policy


Effective learning, teaching and research all depend upon the ability of members of the academic community to trust one another and to trust the integrity of work that is submitted for academic credit or conducted in the wider arena of scholarly research.

Such an atmosphere of mutual trust fosters the free exchange of ideas and enables all members of the ZD- Academy community to achieve their highest potential.

In all academic work, the ideas and contributions of others must be appropriately acknowledged and work that is presented as original must be, in fact, original. Faculty, students, and administrative staff all share the responsibility of ensuring the honesty and fairness of the intellectual environment at ZD-ACADEMY.

Scope and Purpose:

This statement on academic integrity applies to all students at ZD-ACADEMY. Students are governed by and bound by policies in their learning pathway. All ZD-Academy students are expected to adhere to and bind themselves to the highest standards of ethical behaviour and academic integrity.

The purpose of the statement is twofold:

  • To clarify ZD- Academy’s expectations about students’ academic behaviour, and
  • To provide specific examples of dishonest conduct. The examples are only illustrative, NOT exhaustive.

Violations of This Policy Include, But Are Not Limited To:

  1. Plagiarism
    Plagiarism consists of taking someone else’s ideas, words or other types of work product and presenting them as one’s own. To avoid plagiarism, students are expected to be attentive to proper methods of documentation and acknowledgement. To avoid even the suspicion of plagiarism, a student must always:
  • Enclose every quotation in quotation marks and acknowledge its source.
  • Cite the source of every summary, paraphrase, abstraction, or adaptation of material originally prepared by another person and any factual data that is not considered common knowledge. Include the name of author, title of work, publication information and page reference.
  • Acknowledge material obtained from lectures, interviews, or other oral communication by citing the source (name of the speaker, the occasion, the place, and the date).
  • Cite material from the internet as if it were from a traditionally published source. Follow the citation style or requirements of the Tutor for whom the work is produced.
  1. Cheating in an Examination:

A student must not receive or provide any unauthorized assistance on an examination. During an examination, a student may use only materials authorized by the faculty.

  1. Copying or Collaborating on Assignments without Permission

When a student submits work with his/her name on it, this is a written statement that credit for the work belongs to that student alone. If the work was a product of collaboration, each student is expected to clearly acknowledge in writing all persons who contributed to its completion.

Unless the Tutor explicitly states otherwise, it is dishonest to collaborate with others when completing any assignment or test, performing laboratory experiments, writing and/or documenting computer programs, drafting papers or reports and completing problem sets.

If the Tutor allows group work in some circumstances but not others, it is the student’s responsibility to understand the degree of acceptable collaboration for each assignment and to ask for clarification if necessary.

To avoid cheating or unauthorized collaboration, a student should never:

  • Use, copy or paraphrase the results of another person’s work and represent that work as his/her own, regardless of the circumstances.
  • Refer to, study from, or copy archival files (e.g., old tests, homework, solutions manuals or backfiles) that were not approved by the tutor.
  • Copy another’s work or to permit another student to copy his/her work.
  • Submit work as a collaborative effort if he/she did not contribute a fair share of the effort.
  1. Fabrication or Falsification of Data or Records

It is dishonest to fabricate or falsify data in laboratory experiments, research papers, reports or in any other circumstances; to fabricate source material in a bibliography or “works cited” list; or to provide false information on a résumé or other document in connection with academic efforts. It is also dishonest to take data developed by someone else and present them as one’s own.

Examples of falsification include:

  • Altering information on any exam, problem set, or class assignment being submitted for a re-grade.
  • Altering, omitting, or inventing laboratory data to submit as one’s own findings. This includes copying laboratory data from another student to present as one’s own; modifying data in a write-up; and providing data to another student to submit as his/her own.
  1. Other Forms of Deceit, Dishonesty, or Inappropriate Conduct

**Under no circumstances is it acceptable for a student to:

  • Submit the same work, or the same work, for more than one course without explicitly obtaining permission from all tutors. A student must disclose when a paper or project builds on work completed earlier in his/her academic career.
  • Request an academic benefit based on false information or deception. This includes requesting an extension of time, a better grade, or a recommendation from a tutor.
  • Make any changes (including adding material or erasing material) on any test paper, problem set, or class assignment being submitted for a re-grade.
  • Wilfully damage the efforts or work of other students.
  • Steal, deface or damage academic facilities or materials.
  • Collaborate with other students planning or engaging in any form of academic misconduct.
  • Submit any academic work under someone else’s name other than his/her own. This includes but is not limited to sitting for another person’s exam; both parties will be held responsible.
  • Engage in any other form of academic misconduct not covered here.

This list is not intended to be exhaustive. To seek clarification, students should ask the tutor or Academy Manager for guidance.

Reporting Misconduct

Tutor Responsibility

Tutors are to report incidents of student academic misconduct to the ZD Academy Manager in a timely manner so that the incident is managed fairly and consistently. Tutors are to report instances of student misconduct to their Head of Department. Tutors must respond to student concerns about academic dishonesty in their courses immediately.

Student Responsibility

If a student observes others violating this policy, he/she must report the misconduct to the tutor and or to seek advice from the ZD Academy Manager.

Exam Proctor Responsibility

Exam proctors must report incidents of suspected student misconduct to the course tutor and/or the Academy Manager or Academy Director.



This policy covers all students at ZD Academy. Cases will be heard by the Academy Academic committee and sanctions will be communicated to the student directly by the committee in writing.

Administrative Procedures

All administrative departments have a duty of care to ensure alignment with all ZD-Academy’s procedures in terms of reporting, resolution, and allegations of academic misconduct by students in courses offered by ZD-Academy.

Student Rights and Responsibilities in a Hearing

A student accused of an academic integrity violation, whether by a tutor or student is entitled to:

  • Review the written evidence in support of the charge.
  • Ask any questions.
  • Offer an explanation as to what occurred.
  • Present any material that would cast doubt on the correctness of the charge.
  • Determination of the validity of the charge without reference to any past record of misconduct.

When responding to a charge of academic misconduct, a student may:

  • Deny the charges and request a hearing in front of the Academic committee.
  • Admit the charges and request a hearing to determine sanction(s).
  • Admit the charges and accept the imposition of sanctions by the Academy Manager without a committee hearing.
  • Request a leave of absence from ZD Academy The academic integrity matter must be resolved prior to re-enrolment.
  • Request to withdraw permanently from ZD Academy with a transcript notation that there is an unresolved academic integrity matter pending.

A student has the following responsibilities in resolving the charge of academic misconduct:

  • Admit or deny the charge. This will determine the course of action to be pursued.
  • Provide truthful information regarding the charges. It is a student honour code violation to provide false information to ZD Academy or anyone acting on its behalf.


If Found Not in Violation of the Academic Integrity Policy

If the charges of academic misconduct are not proven, no record of the allegation will appear on the students’ records.

If Found in Violation of the Academic Integrity Policy

If, after a hearing, a student is found to have acted dishonestly or if a student has admitted to the charges prior to a hearing, the Academy Manager or Committee may impose sanctions, including but not limited to the following:

  • Issue a formal written reprimand.
  • Impose educational sanctions, such as completing a workshop on plagiarism or academic ethics.
  • Recommend to the tutor that the student fail the assignment. (A grade is the prerogative of the Tutor.)
  • Recommend to the tutor that the student fail the course.
  • Recommend to the tutor that the student receive a course grade penalty less severe than failure of the course.
  • Place the student on disciplinary probation for a specified period and or until defined conditions are met. The probation will be recorded on the student’s records and internal record while it is in force.
  • In cases serious enough to warrant suspension or expulsion from ZD Academy, refer the matter to the ZD Academy judicial board for consideration.

Additional educational sanctions that could be imposed. This list is not exhaustive.

Withdrawing from the course will not prevent the Academy Manager or hearing panel from adjudicating the case, imposing sanctions, or recommending grade penalties, including a failing grade in the course.

A copy of the sanction letter will be placed in the student’s academic file.


If a student believes the Academy Manager or the committee did not conduct a fair hearing, or if a student believes the sanction imposed for misconduct is excessive, he/she may appeal to the judicial board in writing or via email within 15 days of the original decision.


Administrative Records-Keeping Responsibilities

It is the responsibility of the Academy Manager to keep accurate, confidential records concerning academic integrity violations. Where a student has been found to have acted dishonestly, a letter summarizing the allegation, the outcome, and the sanction shall be placed in the student’s official file at ZD-Academy.

Additionally, the Academy Manager shall make a report of the outcome of every formal accusation of student academic misconduct to the director of Academy, who shall maintain a record of each incident.

Multiple Offenses

When a student is formally accused of academic misconduct and a hearing is to be held by, a committee, the person in charge of administering the hearing shall query the director of Academy about the student(s) accused of misconduct. The director shall provide any information in his/her records concerning that student to the Academy Manager. Such information will be used in determining sanctions only if the student is found to have acted dishonestly in the present case. Evidence of past misconduct may not be used to resolve the issue of whether a student has acted dishonestly in a subsequent case.


Reports to Faculty and Student Body

The Academy Manager, Academy Director(s) and lead tutors are encouraged to make periodic (at least annual) reports to the students and tutors of the Academy concerning accusations of academic misconduct and the outcomes, without disclosing specific information that would allow identification of the student(s) involved.